


Automate your school
campus with our all in
one Enterprise Resource
Planning System.

India has one of the largest and most complex educated system
in the world. To be in tradem with the digital age, it's
essential to not restrict education to just classrooms. teaching methods and tools need updradation which why school should adopt school ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system tat offer digital learning tools and helps schools function to their optimum best.

Welcome to the super functional, systematic, comprehensive and user-friendly automated digital environment called ‘FEEBANK’, an ERP solution specifically tailored for the education industry which aims at easing administrative hassles and enhances efficiency and productivity.

FEEBANK user technology to manage the operations of the institute such as admission, fee receipts, security managenent, timetable management, fee system management, etc. making day to day administration and reports making easier than ever.

The system helps in hassle-free classroom management by streamlining activities as attendance because automated and assignments are graded online, hence giving teachers more time to focus on the individual growth of student.
Given the digital age, we live in, learning classrooms that offer a mix of technology along with traditional teaching tools have become increasingly popolar.
Through the use of various audio-visual tools, online learning is made easier, hence making student more involved